Young people are the present that transform the future. Through our COMPLETE GENRATION program, young people discover principles, values and their emerging skills through Sport, Leadership and Personal Growth. This way they can put their new leadership skills to work in the real world.
Our vision is to empower young people with values and principles though sports, leadership, and personal skills.
Our mission is to help develop and mobilize individuals to commit to influencing others
Our strategy is to cultivate throughout the world, students’ values through sports, leadership, and personal skills.

Complete Generation is an initiative led by Complete International organization whose objective is to equip children and young people between the ages of 6 and 17 who are in a vulnerable socioeconomic condition so that they can develop their emerging values and skills. We live in a world that has grown significantly, and possessing academic credentials, no matter how good, is no longer enough. For this reason, we need to nurture and train the next generation with principles and values to impact their schools, families, communities, and nations. Combining the experience in the field of sports and youth leadership of the founder of Complete International, Carlos Andrés Arias, and his sister Diana Carolina Arias, Created Compete Generation, integrating sports, leadership, and personal skills training to develop the abilities of young people of six through 17 years of age in order to empower them to live lives of purpose and positively influence society.
How Does Complete Generation Work?
“Complete Generation” is a program based on principles and values made up of a development plan that integrates Sports, Leadership, and Personal Growth. Carlos Andrés has proven throughout his career in youth leadership that if we could help children and young people to have access to sport, leadership skills, and personal growth tools; we could provide a foundation that will prepare Youth Generation to have significant and sustainable success in their lives and community, through a comprehensive five-year Plan. The launch program will take place in Barrancabermeja -Colombia.

Pre – Launch Phase
Step #1: Selection process
Complete Team selects a vulnerable sector of a chosen city and selects young people, giving priority to orphaned children, or those live with only one of their parents or with their grandparents.
Step #2: Registration of Selected participants
Meeting with children & Relatives, to provide them with details of program rules and commitment from Complete International & Participant.
Step #3 Beginning of 5 Year curriculum program
Launch of the program will begin.
Program overview
- Sport: Fundamentals of Tennis. Three days of practice per week
- Leadership: Module 1: I Decide
- Complete Personal Growth: The Importance of Growing
- Sport: Athletic Development. Three days of practice + local competition tournaments
- Leadership: Module 2: You Act
- Personal Growth: Path to Success (Part 1)
- English as a Second Language Program (ESL)
- Sport: Experience in Athletics. Three days practice + competition tournaments + international experience.
- Leadership: Module 3: You Lead
- Personal Growth: Path to Success (Part 2)
- English as a Second Language Program (ESL)
- Sport: Opportunities in Athletics. Three-day practice + competition tournaments + one-year international internship.
- Leadership: Module 4: Connecting Influence and Leadership
- Personal Growth: Multiplication
- English as a Second Language Program (ESL)
- Sport: Sustainability in Athletics. Three days of practice + competition tournaments + mentoring and exploration of opportunities.
- Leadership: Module 5: Complete Leadership
- Personal Growth: Complete (Transformation)
- English as a Second Language Program (ESL)
How can You get involved in Complete Generation?
Whether as an individual or as a business, you can get involved as a volunteer, providing financial donations or in-kind donations to raise the necessary funds and resources for “Complete Generation”. If you or your company are interested in helping, we invite you to contact us for more information.
““Your gift today will have a multiplied impact tomorrow.”
Complete International provides Leadership & Personal Growth. Your partnership in this
mission allows us to expand the reach of values into communities, schools, and
countries to see positive and lasting change.
Become a Complete Generation Ambassador. You can partner financially with us to help us bring Sport-Leadership and Growth training to the world.
Become a monthly ambassador. Your association with us allows us to expand the scope of the principles and values in communities,
schools and countries to see positive and lasting change.

Become a Complete Generation Catalyst. “Partner Financially With Us As An Organization” Your organization can partner financially with us to help us bring sport, leadership and personal growth to the world.
Become a monthly ambassador. Your association with us allows us to expand the scope of the principles and values in communities,
schools and countries to see positive and lasting change.
“Become a facilitating member of Complete Generation”. If your desire is to become a facilitator, we invite you to be part of the team of volunteers:
- Help with fundraising.
- Being part of the team that supports the coach.
- Mentoring children and youth
- Being a monitor of leadership and personal growth
- Collaborating in the event “INSPIRING HOPE AT CHRISTMAS” in which we give each child an “Inspire box”.
IMPORTANT: To be part of Complete Generation facilitator team you are required to take our “Complete Growth Track” training. This training is completely free.

Let’s Nourish The Word Together:
One Life, One Action, One Community at a Time!
There’s no better way to understand our work than to understand the impact it made on one young person in need.

Learn what we are doing in Colombia and join us with your effort, talents, resources, planning strategies, serving, and looking for resources to bring Complete Youth Generation. Wherever you are you can be an ambassador of Colombia.
Learn what we are doing in Guatemala and join us with your effort, talents, resources, planning strategies, serving, and looking for resources to bring Complete Youth Generation. Wherever you are you can be an ambassador of Guatemala.

Learn what we are doing in Chile and join us with your effort, talents, resources, planning strategies, serving, and looking for resources to bring Complete Youth Generation. Wherever you are you can be an ambassador of Chile.
All donations have tax-exempt status as Complete International is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 82-1406239. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services are provided in exchange for your contribution.