Group & Corporate Assessment

Get a clear picture of the unique challenges your team is facing as a first step toward identifying the best solution for you or track the effectiveness of your leadership program.

About Group or Corporate Assessment

The DISC Assessment System is the universal language of behavior. Research has shown that behavioral characteristics can be grouped together in four major groups. People with similar styles tend to exhibit specific behavioral characteristics common to that style. The acronym DISC stands for:

  • D = Dominant, Driver
  • I = Influencing, Inspiring
  • S = Steady, Stable
  • C = Correct, Compliant

Knowledge of the DISC System empowers you to understand yourself, family members, co-workers, and friends, in a profound way.

Complete International uses the Maxwell Method Assessment Report. This report is a powerful in-depth tool. It will provide you with significant insight and an opportunity to move from just knowing more information to having a method to use it for transformation. We used the Maxwell method Report. 

 You will need approximately 15 minutes and the unique key code emailed to you. 


Complete International has created a variety of package available to feed your needs.

Team Assessment

$ 427 ( per person)

This package is designed to work with small groups.  Minimum of 4 (four) participants & Maximum of 10 Participants. We use the roundtable strategy to engage with all participants, creating a special atmosphere of trust and learning experience.

This package includes:

  • Personal Assessment Impact Report Keycode
  • Detail PDF Assessment Report of 38 pages. 
  • ONE (1) Assessment Review Session of 60 Minutes with a certified Trainer/Consultant
  • ONE (1) Training program Workshop Session of 60 Minutes with a certified Trainer/Consultant.

*Option not included in this package but offered: Individual Assessment Review (+$29.50)

Facilitator: Carlos Andres Arias B

Product investment: $247.00 per person

*Add Assessment Review (+29.50) per person

Corporate Assessment

$ 247 (per person )

This package is designed to work with more than 10 participants.  There is no limit of participants. We use the Mastermind strategy to engage with all participants, creating a special atmosphere of trust and learning experience.

This package includes:

  • $ 247 (per person)
  • Personal Assessment Impact Report Keycode
  • Detail PDF Assessment Report of 38 pages.
  • ONE (1) Assessment Review Session of 60 Minutes with a certified Trainer/Consultant
  • ONE (1) Mastermind Session of 60 Minutes with a certified Trainer / Consultant 
  • Access to Complete online platform 10 lessons with video +work sheets.

*Option not included in this package but offered: Individual Assessment Review (+$29.50)

Facilitator: Carlos Andres Arias B

Product investment: $247.00 per person

*Add Assessment Review (+29.50) per person

Complete International
model of Growth:

Complete Corporate Assessment

25-30 Participants



This customize package is based on Complete core of Growth Solutions to Maximize participants potential. Include complete core of learning system. First phase. See model.

This package includes:

  • Include complete core of learning system. First phase. See model.
  • Personal Assessment Impact Report Keycode for 30 participants
  • ONE (1) Assessment Review Session of 60 Minutes with a certified Trainer/Consultant
  • THREE (3) Mastermind Session of 60 Minutes. with a certified Trainer / Consultant. 
  • Access to Complete online platform 10 lessons with video +work sheets.
  • Membership to Complete Academy 

*Option not included in this package but offered: Individual Assessment Review (+$29.50)

Facilitator: Carlos Andres Arias B

Product investment: $6,990 (25-30 Participants)

*Add Assessment Review (+29.50) per person

Customize Corporate DISC

Contact us


Complete International goals is to exceed your expectations. That’s why we do not limit our service. We are willing to customize and serve your urgent needs.

There are many cores to use of The DISC Maxwell DISC Assessment Report for your organization. Here there are some emphasis that you can select, if it is not listed what you need let us know.

  • Communication Impact Emphasis
  • Entrepreneur Impact Emphasis
  • Sales Impact Report Emphasis
  • Team Impact Report Emphasis
  • Sales Leadership Report Emphasis
  • Student Impact Report Emphasis
  • College Career Impact Report Emphasis
  • Family Impact Report Emphasis
  • Bible Impact Report Emphasis (Faith Base)

Facilitator: Carlos Andres Arias B

Product investment: Contac us

“The measure of a leader is not the number of people who serve him but the number of people he serves.”

– John C. Maxwell