“ Let’s COMPLETE One Person at a Time”

Why do we exist for?
Complete International exists to Provide Leadership, Personal Growth, and Inspiration tools. with principles and values that drive to generate a global transformation in the key areas of influence in society, such as: Government, Education, Business, Religion, Media, Art, Entertainment, Sports, the area of Health and the Family.
How did all begin?
Carlos Andrés dreamed of starting an organization with a simple goal: to help people to be complete so that they can reach their full potential. On February 29, 2020, Complete International was officially established by Carlos Andrés and Laura Moreno. Carlos Andrés and Laura started the journey with their sons Benjamín and Santiago. The dream and vision that each person could be complete and maximize their potential was the reason that prompted them to establish Complete International.
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From the beginning Complete International has focused on creating tools to nurture individuals and organizations cultivating a culture of positive principles and values to produce a transformation in their families and centers of influence.
In our first year Carlos Andrés and Laura established the corporate brand of Complete International, programs, lines of services and much more. While laying down the roots, Complete International equipped 40 leaders and one company. Carlos Andrés and Laura provided the support to build the base of Complete International with all their resources while Carlos Andres had a part-time job and thus sustain the beginning of the organization. In our second year of progress, Complete International impacted 130 children in Colombia with an initiative called: Inspire Hope at Christmas.
The vision of Carlos Andrés and Alejandra expands to see an International Leadership Center in the Capital of the United States and expand to different countries around the world providing space to equip people maximizing their potential in their leadership, Personal Growth and Inspiring them to live their life’s purpose.

Our philosophy
We believe that each person can fulfill their purpose and be complete under a system that allows them to maximize their potential and live to the full.

We believe that for there to be a change in society we must first change individually. But knowing this is not enough, it is necessary to accept that we must change, there begins the process of growth and being complete.

We believe in the potential of each individual; That is why to develop the maximum potential and fulfill the individual purpose, a growth plan must be established.

Modeling a life based on integrity is an important first step in becoming an influencer because it builds a strong foundation with others. The next natural step is to motivate people.

To add growth, lead the followers; To multiply, lead the leaders. When you empower people, you're not just influencing them; you are influencing all the people they influence.

Remain consistency in character, values, and attitude, acting in a moment that is exemplary for others.

Optimize Growth
Value yourself, your gifts, and your opportunities by regular ongoing purposeful personal development

Model intentional living
Set a daily course of action that is consistent with your beliefs, values, gifts and purpose.

Promote principles and values.
Show forth importance, worth and a high regard for each person you meet in daily basics.

Lead and lift others
Consciously y and intentionally active, engaged motivating and inspiring in the ongoing influence and encouragement of others .

Equip others.
Serve, prepare, supply and ready others with the tools and training needed for successful and meaningful life and leadership.

Transparency and Integrity
Remain trustworthy in all areas of life.

Exceed Expectation
Always go the extra mile in your presentation, interactions, and delivery, living and leading with an assurance of success

Demonstrate a positive attitude.
Make a cheerful, optimistic, generous, constructive mindset the forefront of daily thoughts, task, and talk.

Nurture Transformation
Come alongside others to identify, envision, inspire, and guide needed change that creates and nourishes a lasting difference.

Allow room for faith.
Give time, space and opportunity for divine influence and actions in you and through you.

Carlos Andrés Arias
Founder and President
Founder of Complete International, organizations that focus on Leadership Solutions and Personal Growth. Carlos Andrés is a globally recognized John Maxwell Certified International Coach, Teacher, Mentor and Independent Speaker. He leads learning experiences that are tailored to meet the specific needs of the audience(s), to help maximize efficiency, growth.
He successfully completed a 25-year career in the faith sector in which he was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel (retired) at the end of 2019 as a director and leader at different levels.
Led non-profit organizations, a foundation, youth development programs in the areas of leadership/management/supervisory training and personal development, team building, training, organizational change, procurement/acquisition, customer service, customer relations and program management and spiritual development.
For more information on how to book Carlos Andrés for an event or seminar you can write to: carias@completei.org

CEO Complete International Colombia
E-mail: colombia@completei.org